Petland Tucson, Arizona offers valuable information on caring for your cat and adopting a cat or kitten that is right for you. We have a wide selection of products for kittens and full grown cats alike. From premium cat food like Orijen and Tiki Cat to Science Diet, we offer everything you need to care for and even spoil your “baby.” We offer all the products you will need to meet your pet’s four basic needs.
Behavioral Needs
- Kitten Training Kennel – Aids with housebreaking as kittens are denning animals by nature and want to keep the area where they eat and sleep clean. Kennels can also prevent destructive behaviors when you’re not home.
- Crate Wear – Provides a den atmosphere.
- Housebreaking Aids – A scented spray attracts kittens to acceptable elimination areas. Positive reinforcement when training and creating desirable housebreaking behaviors.
- Deterrents or Repellents – Helps keep kitten away from specific items and areas (chewing, biting, and establishing boundaries). We recommend Petland Bitter Works. Behavior Modification Tools, Training information, breed information & instructions for ongoing care.
Maintenance Needs
- Brush & Comb – Good brushing habits keep your kitten’s coat healthy and reduces unwanted shedding. Great socialization activity.
- Shed Reducer – Food supplement to reduce shedding.
- Nail Clippers & File – Start nail trimming habits early and keep nails short and smooth on a regular basis.
- Styptic Powder – Will stop bleeding quickly and relieves the pain if a nail is cut too short.
- Stain and Odor Remover – Enzymatically breaks down organic stains that attract the cat back to the same areas. We recommend Petland Premium Stain and Odor Remover!
- Tear Stain Remover & Ear Cleaner – Keeps eyes and ears clean to prevent infection and stains.
- Flea & Tick Product – Prevents and eliminates flea and tick outbreaks.
Nutritional Needs
- Premium Grade Cat Food – Ensures proper nutrition–check for quality ingredients. Appetite Stimulant – High-calorie dietary supplement. Extremely important during environmental changes. Encourages good eating habits and combats hypoglycemia.
Environmental Needs
- Water Bottle – The most sanitary option for providing water in a kitten’s kennel.
- Food and Water Bowls – Containers for kitten to eat and drink from. Stainless steel and ceramic are the most durable and hardest to tip over.
- Cat Beds – A comfortable place for your kitten to sleep and rest.
- Identification Tag – To assist in the recovery of your pet if he is lost.