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Petland Tucson, Arizona
June 7, 2018
If so, then you’d probably fair well with large dog breeds! They’re tons of fun and we have them in our store. With big dogs, comes big responsibility, beginning with the preparation of your home. Here are a few tips to assist you.
Many large dog breeds need space to stretch, run, and play! There are, however, plenty that look active and are big old couch potatoes. If you’ve done your large dog breeds research and the one you’ve selected needs plenty of exercise and space, then consider upgrading your living area.
Big and boisterous barking and loud playful footsteps could be bothersome to close neighbors and eventually become a nuisance. When deciding to purchase a particularly active large dog breed, it’s ideal to have a larger space with a yard so that your dog can play without disturbing neighbors.
Okay, so what if moving into a house isn’t an option? Be sure that if you’re currently living in an apartment, there aren’t any breed or weight restrictions in your apartment community. Contact your leasing office for information on local dog parks or enclosed areas where your pup can run and roam.
If you already live in a house with a sizable yard to accommodate large dog breeds, get it ready for your new pup. Create or schedule regular lawn maintenance by treating it for mosquitos and other pests that could potentially bite, infect, and harm your doggie.
Purchase safe and weather durable toys for your dog to play with while he’s outside. Depending on your space, install some training plastic tubes in the ground, for them to run through and weave between! Petland carries a wide variety of durable toys that can’t be easily destroyed by the strong jaws of large dog breeds. From tug-o-war ropes, to indestructible ball toys, we have the selection you need to keep them entertained and happy.
Let’s face it – large dog breeds can easily damage a fence and create a path to explore a neighboring yard, if they aren’t monitored. You want to make sure that before bringing your new puppy into your home, that you’ve checked and double-checked all of the entrances and the surrounding foundation. You don’t want any holes that they can use to create an escape route! You want to prevent them getting out and lost or having a dangerous encounter with another dog.
For more information on purchasing large dog breeds and pet accessories, visit a Petland near you or contact us directly.
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